Album Review: A Perfect Circle - eMOTIVe
Damn, the good albums just keep comin in... and now im broke because of that... its barely been 2 weeks since the album release of mayonnaise, now apc's has released their 3rd masterpiece --> eMOTIVe. this is a band not everyone appreciates, but i have great repsect for them. it takes time and constant listening in order to appreciate and understand their musical structure, however you may find their beat rather off and confusing.(which one is the chorus and the verse?) plus add maynard's very deep lyrics. try listening to Tool, its a heavier version of a perfect circle where the vocals(maynard james) is the same but different band members. also, the structure of the songs are quite confusing and very long(around 6-8 minutes per song).
for the review... the band was able maintain their artistic flow through melodramatic riffs and beats, however most of the songs were dark renditions of old songs such as "Imagine" by John Lennon and "When The Levee Breaks” by Led Zeppelin . Apc made their own interpretation of the songs so you won't notice that right away, but the lyrics are pretty much the same. Out of 12 tracks only 2 songs were originally done by Apc which is "Passive" and "Counting Bodies Like Sheep to the Rhythm of the War Drums". The rest are covers. However, "Counting Bodies Like Sheep to the Rhythm of the War Drums" is also a rendtion of their old song "Lullaby" from Thirteenth step. Comparing this with the past albums, this ones quite different. Songs from "Mer De Noms" and "Thirteenth Step" focuses more on suicide, breaking down and angst against god(some). however this album, from their choice of songs, is more of a propaganda against power, abuse and war.. Somehow, this album reminds me of System of a Down and Rage Against the Machine. But as an overall, i could say this album rocks. Apc has never failed to impress me. Keep it up. Peace \m/
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